Whether you are a teacher or student looking for a debate topic for your students or group, we are here for you. In this article, we have compiled a list of some of the top debate topics for secondary schools in Nigeria.
Debates are essential in helping students to develop a strong opinion for everything. According to some reliable sources, debates improve the intelligence quotient of a student. Students who involve themselves in debates are able to develop a strong communication skills.
Debates are also essential in helping students especially in Nigeria to think, process information and come out with a better solution. Continue reading to learn more about debate topics for secondary schools in Nigeria.
Debate Topics For Secondary Schools in Nigeria
Here is a list of the best debate topics for secondary school students in Nigeria
1. Secondary school students should not be required to wear school uniforms
2. Democratic form of government should be adopted by every country
3. Voting age in Nigeria should be lowered to 16
4. Boys face less peer pressure than girls in the society
5. Private schools are better than public schools
6. Cigarette smoking should be abolished entirely
7. Every secondary school student should have to participate in athletics
8. School cafeterias should ban all junk foods
9. Which is the most important school subject? Maths or Science?
10. Single-gender schools are better than mixed-gender schools
11. Should teachers be replaced by computers?
12. People with better grades in school are likely to be in more successful in life than those with poor grades
13. Is it ok to cheat on exams or a test sometimes?
14. Secondary school students who fail a test should be given the opportunity to rewrite it
15. Students should be allowed to grade teachers
16. Does technology create jobs than it eliminates?
17. Every child should be required to go to college in Nigeria
18. Nigeria colleges should be free for all students who want to attend
19. Some books should be banned from the libraries
20. Final exams in secondary schools should be abolished entirely
21. Is it better to be good at sports than to be good at academics?
22. Blue-collar jobs are better than white-collar jobs in Nigeria
23. Death penalty should be abolished entirely in the world
24. Instead of punishing drug addicts, we should rather help them
25. The government should make all vaccines mandatory
26. Should we ban the use of fossil fuels?
27. All drugs should be regulated, taxed and legalized, like alcohol
28. Dangerous weapons, such as nuclear weapons, should be banned worldwide
29. On campus learning is more effective than online learning. Write for or against the motion
30. Religion does more harm than good.
31. Can Nigeria ever achieve gender equality?
32. Should sex education be taught in schools?
33. Should birth control pills be sold at over-the-counter?
34. Between books and television, which is a better source of entertainment?
35. Should contents be censored by social media companies?
36. Home teaching is equivalent to school teaching
Importance of Debate For a Student
- Students who involve themselves in debate activities are able to speak in large without being nervous
- Debates also improve the intelligence and cognitive skills of a student
- Students are also able to think and analyze things on their own
- Debates makes a student to become a better emotional and understanding person in the society
Qualities of a Good Debater
- A good debater should be able to speak loudly and clear
- He should always be direct and clear with his points
- He or she should always maintain a good eye contact with the opponent without shying away
- A good debater should also be calm, and avoid raising his voice at his opponent
- A good debater should be more organized and confident in his or her communication
In this article, we stated some of the best debate topics for secondary schools in Nigeria. These topics are supposed to be some of the best debate topics for secondary school students in Nigeria of all time. I suggest you pick one of them and develop your points on it.
Also, it is recommended that, based on your course, you should pick a debate topic related to your program. For instance, if you are a science student, you should pick a topic like "The government should make all vaccines mandatory for all citizens". Also, if you are an art student, you should go in for a topic like "Private schools are better than public schools".
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